Thursday, June 6, 2013

Coupons are Not Just for the Grocery Stores

Did you get one of these in the mail?

I was tempted to throw it out thinking nah I do not want just a another magazine sitting around. Then I looked at the cover and notice it had a coupon for $15 off a $15 purchase. Yay! I decided to see what I could get with my coupon. I looked up my all time fav bra and noticed that it was on sale and I could use my coupon. I decided even though I could find something around 15 and just pay shipping the bra was a better score.
Originally the bra is 45 + 6.99 (s/h)+tax =54.60
With the mark down and coupon 33+6.99(s/h)+taxes- 15=26.66

I saved around 50% for a Victoria's Secret bra.

You just never know what coupons pop up and when you may be able to save big.
Budget Bee

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