Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Sometimes in the budget blogger world I post something that is incorrect or doesn't work for ppl!
This is a sad retraction I write for the post of the free Redbox movie I posted earlier today.

Two saving souls went to use the code and it did not work! *sniff*

This budget bust made some start to cry...

Then the budget bust turned into pure rage when full price was now the final price

My dear brother Jon finally found a code that would work.
Now it was a long promo code.... others call it a debit car number  but the a movie was bought in the end.
This picture is Jon telling the Budget Bee suck it. *sniff*
So for this sad mistake I give a shout out to my brother In-law Jon and his wife my beautiful Dr. Nyssa.
The Budget Bee is very sorry for your misfortune and hopes savings really do come your way.

Now many of you are like WAIT I know that goofy looking guy BUT where from???

That is the one and only Jon Of All Games fokes. He is a gaming expert that blogs and .....wait for it.....LIVE STREAMS! His game time is your time so you fokes can catch this famous online gamer at the links below.

Jon of all Games LIVESTREAM LINK
Jon of all Games SITE 

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